The bio of the T.v. TeNTacLeS bio is by Eric (andi cantt tipe welll) Aj and me were hanging out one day and we somehow came up with the idea that we should start a band. This was in the 6th grade 1999. Now our first song was also our first band name ,dont run with sizors, in 2000 we tried Tim as our bassist but then he bought an American eagle shirt and played basketball plus on top of it he sucked so we gave em the boot. Then it was just me and Aj for a while they (tried) to write a few songs then found a guitar player named Austin now Austin was really, Jimi Hendrix, good at guitar so I had to play bass. This line up really sucked because Austin didnt really like punk and always brought effects and tried to add solos to the songs plus he was kinda bossy so we gave em the boot. Aj and I decided to
left is Austin potter, right our beloved drummer 
change our name from D.R.W.S. to woodland punx because thats really what we were I mean we would go in to the woods and break stuff and stuff. So then we wrote some okay entry-level songs. Soon after that we had our superbowl sucks party (first concert) People in the band: 2 People that showed up: 3 Woodland punx put out two four track-recording albums off there indie label Injury Records. In the summer of 2001 I figured out how to read and realized that the band suicidal tendencies in not tentacles so that freed up a band name, now we something important in front of tentacle and whats more important than TV Well nothing so it was decided we would be the TV Tentacles. Now that we had a real band name we needed a real line up (no offence C Average) and after long hours of labor we decided on my neighbor friend Pete so I told him to buy a bass and learn how to play so far he has bought a bass (ha ha). The T.V. tentacles story will continue when something someone might care about or thinks is funny happens see you baby (in the pit)